CacheGuard Quote

Please fill out the form below and ACCEPT the CacheGuard-OS License Agreement, the CacheGuard Support Agreement and the General Terms of Sale by checking the YES box to ask for a Quote. Following reception of your request, we will contact you as soon as possible. You can get more information about how to purchase CacheGuard at Purchase CacheGuard.

Important notice: please note that we are responsible e-mailers and never abuse your email address. However, some email service providers block our emails for reasons that we ignore. In case of reception delay or non-delivery of our emails, we suggest that you use an alternative email address.

Free URL Blacklists (UBL) & Extended AV (EAV) Services: you download once and push multiple times to managed gateways.

(if you need to protect your Web applications)

(companies in EU only)
(International format)

Please explain us your requirements (in English only and without special characters)

When to Ask for a Quote

Purchasing a CacheGuard subscription is rather straightforward from the Web GUI of an installed CacheGuard and in most cases you don’t need to ask for a quote. However, you have the possibility to ask for an official Quote in the following cases:

  • You want to purchase CacheGuard-VE, CacheGuard-HW or CacheGuard-HG.
  • Your line manager requires a quote to finish the purchase process.
  • You want to purchase more than a subscription and you wish to negotiate prices.
  • You have other requirements related to CacheGuard products & services.

We provide great solutions with unbeatable prices, but if you are an IT service provider and need to purchase subscriptions for your clients, you can negotiate our prices. To do so, just ask for a Quote by explaining your case in the comment part.

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